Hubertus Tree Removal Company, Meredith Tree Removal specializes in Tree and Stump removal in Hubertus, Richfield, Slinger and Hartford Wisconsin. Trust our tree removal company to extract sick or dead trees with our trained climbers and top of the line equipment. Depending on your tree care or removal needs, our tree care technician will go to the top of the tree and rope limb by limb to ensure safe removal. Once the tree is down, you can request stump removal services to grind the stump down. Our equipment is turf friendly, up to date, and made to minimize damage to lawns.

In addition, in order to make our clients feel safer, we also carry property damage insurance and all of the employees have workers compensation insurance.
Our company has the experience and state of the art equipment to SAFELY remove any tree while not damaging your yard. We make all of our client’s needs a priority, and we ensure that your property is in the hands of well-trained and qualified tree removal experts.
Contact Us Today for a FREE QUOTE!